Stamped Concrete | Concrete Contractors San Diego

Concrete Overlays

Concrete Overlays Service in San Diego, California

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Concrete Overlays

Concrete Overlays Service in San Diego, California

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Concrete Overlays in San Diego

You may not know this, but for a new, beautiful finish of a concrete floor, you don’t have to break up your existing slab. By means of concrete overlays and stamped concrete overlays, you can achieve any look you want for your floor. An overlay can restore concrete to like-new condition to transform drab, gray concrete with a brilliant pattern and color for a fraction of the cost of a new one. It adds strength to an existing surface while updating the look. There are many choices for concrete overlays in San Diego, know your options.

Concrete overlays are a great addition to any home. They can be installed as basic or ornamental as the homeowner wishes and can be designed to match the overall style of any home.

What Is Concrete Overlaying?

Concrete overlays refer to a thin color concrete cement-based product that goes over the existing concrete for repair or decorative purposes. Overlays can be applied as thin as a feather in most cases, depending on the desired finish.